TV & Media

Please contact me with interview requests and for speaker invitations.

I am available as an informative and entertaining speaker on a wide range of topics dealt with in my book “Blood, Dragons and Lions”. I’ve presented numerous talks on the innovation journey at Universities, inventor clubs and was an invited business speaker from UK’s Intellectual Property Office – subsequently they rewarded me with a slot in their website for several years between 2010 to 2013!

Recent Press & News:

5 March 2016: An abridged version of the UK-Chinese Times article (in simplified Chinese) can be read on this link.

4 March 2016: There is a very generous write up about me based on my book “Blood,Dragons and Lions” and an interview with the chief editor of the UK-Chinese Times this week. The full article is shown below with kind permission of the editor.

3 March 2016: The paper “Modelling Framework and Assistive Device for Peripheral Intravenous Injections” by Kin F. Kam, Martin P. Robinson, Mathew A. Gilbert, and Adar Pelah. Open Eng. 2016; 6:1-10 is out. It is available to download free at:

If you have downloading issues, contact me direct and I will email you a copy of the journal directly.

Feb 2016: A peer reviewed paper related to the ‘IV injection aid’ invention was recently accepted for publication in “Open Engineering” scientific journal. A full copy of it will be available online by Q2 2016. The paper is titled “Modelling Framework and Assistive Device for Peripheral Intravenous Injections” by Kin F. Kam, Martin P. Robinson, Mathew A. Gilbert, and Adar Pelah. Open Eng. 2016; 6:1-10

If you have problem finding the paper online, contact me and I will email you a copy. Researchers interested in this important subject area are welcome to contact me to discuss further.